Blue Mountain Coffee versus High Mountain Coffee

Are you a coffee lover? If yes, then you must have heard the name of Blue Mountain Coffee and High Mountain Coffee. Have you ever thought the difference between these two? Not yet? Then let’s know what are the major differences they have, which affects the taste and quality of Jamaican coffee.

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Difference number 1

Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee comes in two varieties that are Blue Mountain Coffee and High Mountain Coffee. Both are grown in Jamaica Blue mountains. But, Blue Mountain grow and harvested at the highest elevations and High Mountain at the slightly lower elevation.

Difference Number 2


  • Blue Mountain Coffee

The beautiful and perfect blend of Smoothing, and slightly sweet flavour with a delicate floral aroma, Blue Mountain Coffee is grown and harvested in Jamaica’s Blue Mountain at the highest elevation. Which is located between Kingston to the south and Port Antonio to the north.


  • High Mountain coffee


The name “High Mountain coffee” actually not grown and harvest at the highest elevation of Blue Mountains of Jamaica, instead of at the lower elevation. Which ranges from 1,500 to 3,000 ft. Although High Mountain coffee is more better in taste. But, high in demand for its smooth and unique taste.

Difference number 3

Although both coffees are excellent in taste. But still, they are different in its taste. Comparing both coffees, we find that Blue Mountain coffee is smooth,  sweet with low acidic touch, heavy and rich in taste. While the High Mountain Coffee have distinctive smooth, full flavoured, chocolatey taste and mild bitterness with the pleasant aroma.

Jamaican climate is a bit change than other countries. Its climate is perfect for growing coffee in the cool and high rainfall. The soil has the excellent power of drainage and the perfect combination of climate and soil make it special. Blue Mountain is one of the highest peaks in the Caribbean and its approx 7, 402 ft

The specially grown and harvested coffee, Blue Mountain and High Mountain Coffee are the speciality of Jamaica, which is helping a lot in its economy. If you are interested to buy best Blue Mountain Coffee, then do contact Jamaica Trading Coffee Co. the certified sellers and distributors of Jamaican Coffee.

Best Coffee Brewing Techniques in the World

Are you enthusiast to know some of the best brewing techniques to have a coffee break at any time of the day?  There seem to be lots of coffee brewing technique showing up all the time, but sometimes it is hard to decide which one is convenient and time saving for you. So, here we are giving you the best brewing technique that you can try any time you want, and we are sure you want to try these methods first with the most popular and delicious Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee, its rich and delicious flavour will make you fall in love with coffee. You need to have the best brewing skills and use the most progressive methods available for it to derive the purest flavour.

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So, Let’s see some of the best coffee brewing techniques in the world.

#1.   Cowboy Method

Cowboy method takes you back to the old roads of your parent’s favourite coffee shop, as it is the oldest coffee brewing technique. You can bring back that time at your home and enjoy your old memories with these simple steps:

  • Take your best beans, a pot and boiled water
  • Add water to the pot and heat it
  • When water is boiled, add coffee in it
  • Remove the pan from the heat and cover it immediately
  • Wait for 5 min to let the ground settle down
  • And your coffee is ready to serve in your favourite mug

#2.   French press method

One of the most popular technique to make rich and delicious a cup of coffee, this is also famous as press pot and Melior method.

Steps to prepare

  • Place the pot on the dry and flat surface
  • Hold the handle firmly to pull out the plunger
  • Add coffee to the pot (7-8 grams to 6.7 oz of water)
  • Pour hot water into the pot and stir.
  • Now put back the plunger very carefully into the pot, stopping just above the water and ground coffee
  • Now press the plunger down, exerting sturdy pressure
  • After use wash the pot

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#3. Aeropress method

It justifies its name through its work, with just 3 simple pieces of the machine, i.e Aeropress, filter and a stir stick. This method will let you make exotic coffee in the fastest way as possible with a little effort. It is very portable for camping and Airbnb-ing.

Steps to prepare

  • Put hot water and finely ground coffee into the Aeropress.
  • Stir it and then press the liquid with a paper filter and pour it into a cup
  • And it’s ready to serve

#4. Pour over coffee

Pour over coffee method is one of the oldest coffee methods that is popular for its magnificent and ability to make varieties of coffee, it is also known as Hand Drip coffee. Hario v60 is the most popular Pour over brewer.  This method starts with freshly ground coffee, a filter and a filter holder also known as Pour over dripper. It involves pouring water over and through the grounds to extract the coffee flavours into your cup.

  • Take at least 600 gram of water to boil
  • Take 3 tbsp of coffee
  • Place a filter in the dripper, no need if you are using custom blue bottle filter
  • Add the ground coffee to the filter and gently tap it to the surface of the grounds
  • Rinse the filter
  • Discard the rinse water and set the brewer on the carafe


The above methods are the proven methods to brew the finest quality of coffee and with Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee at your table, choose no other than these to retain its quality and flavour. If you want to grab a pack of premium Jamaican coffee, then visit the site of Jamaica Coffee Trading Co., a leading seller of original and certified Blue Mountain coffee sourced from the Jamaican plantations.

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5 Kinds of Coffee That Most Youngsters Like

Coffee is no more considered as a caffeinated drink that causes addiction. While erstwhile, kids and teens are restricted from drinking more of it, statistics revealed that a number of coffee drinkers in the young age groups are growing like a wildfire.

The enthusiasm among the youngsters is not something undesirable because coffee offers some real benefits and rejuvenates energy levels in the body. Yes, in all the age groups!  

Coffee is, in fact, a day kicker and mood enhancer, especially when it’s made from authentic and strong kind like the Blue mountains coffee beans of Jamaica.

While we all know, there are over hundreds of different coffee cultivated, and a thousand of ways to brew them, here we chose to discuss the types that are most favoured by the young ones.

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#1 Espresso

Probably the most popular type of coffee and brewed by most cafeterias, it is originated in Italy. It is prepared from finely ground beans of any origin with hot water that splashes under high pressurise.

#2 Latte

It is not a pure coffee beverage but is immensely favoured by the teenagers. It is basically an espresso prepared using steamed milk that gives a thin luscious foam on the top.

#3 Mocha

Most youngsters are dire chocolate lovers and this kind of coffee will satiate their taste for both coffee and chocolate. Mocha is halfway an espresso, that is prepared with steamed milk and chocolate syrup and gives out a thin foamy layer.

#4 Caffe Macchiato

Caffè Macchiato or espresso macchiato is also an espresso drink but brewed with a mere punch. The milk added in it is first foamed and it can be served both hot or cold.

#5 Cappuccino

The word Cappuccino means “hood” which originates from Italy. While it is conventionally prepared by pouring steamed milk over espresso, its temperature is very crucial. It gives out a  thick foam that forms a velvety texture over the drink.

So,  which one is your favourite?

Truly, there’s no as such bad health impacts of coffee on the youngster. Once you have known about the wide-ranging varieties of coffee, you might be tempted to widen your taste horizons and give a try! So, visit the site of Jamaica Coffee Trading Co., to buy a pack of certified Jamaican coffee sourced from the Blue Mountains at affordable prices.

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Guide to Pick the Best Coffee Beans

We always get confused with the quality of different consumables like wine, cheese, chocolates, bread or eggs. Tea or coffee is no different. On placing a range of options of coffee beans that look similar but are widely different from one another, we just don’t know which one to grab and is that best is quality and taste. Things become more difficult when you buy coffee online. There’s a vast sea of information, unparalleled facts, illustrations, abundant choices, but no sure-fire guide to get you through the process of picking right coffee.

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Jamaica Coffee Trading Co., a leading producer, seller and importer of Jamaican coffee, sourced from original Jamaican plantations of Blue Mountains, explains some key factors to help you pick the finest coffee beans from the lot.


#1 Arabica Vs Robusta? Decide what suits your taste

There are two basic categories of coffee out in the market, Robusta and Arabica. Knowing what you and your family prefer will help a lot in picking the best coffee. While Arabica has a tangy acidic and smooth taste, and cultivated at higher altitudes, Robusta grows in low altitude lands and bear bitter and rich taste. So, choose beans according to your taste buds.


#2 Consider the roasting date

It’s crucial that you pick the freshly roasted beans. So, the next time you go to the market to pick coffee beans, check on the date it was roasted in the label, such that you get an idea of how long ago it was roasted. Added recommendation: Avoid picking coffee that is packed, that is grounded ones because they might not have gone through the rigorous treatment process.


#3 Do not go by the labels with 100% type assurity

Coffee packs labelled as 100% Arabica or Robusta Coffee are a strict no-no for you. That is highly unrealistic despite the best coffee beans coming from these plant types. Because, not all the Robusta or Arabica coffee are produced in the same manner and so, few varieties may not have their truest essence. In fact, brewed coffee from packages without any such labels can guarantee better taste and quality.


#4 Decide the quantity of caffeine you need in your coffee

Disapproving all vague concepts, coffee makers affirmed that dark roasted beans bear the lower amount of caffeine than lightly roasted ones. Thus, while picking your favourite coffee from the shop, first determine the amount of caffeine you can actually take and then choose either dark, medium or light roasted beans.

#5 Roasting pattern

If you taste buds crave for delicious smooth tasting coffee, then you need to pick light coloured and dry coffee beans. They are roasted in a shorter time and hence, coffee brewed from tends to have a soft taste. However, if you prefer coffee with stronger essence, then dark roasted (roasted for the longer period) are ideal for you. Dark roasted beans are shiny and dark, and when brewed gives out the bold and pungent taste.


Follow these tips if you want to pick best coffee beans from the market and brew the finest cup of coffee always for yourself and your family. Also, an essential tip to make sure the best beans do not lose their worth when prepared is to grind them before brewing.